
default DatePicker

this simple DatePicker with default values

default initial value

this simple DatePicker with initial value set

placehoder and lable

date Range

the minimum and mazximum years that you can select from in year dropdown. it should be a array of tow elements. e.g: [2000, 2010].

DatePicker value binding

you can bind the value of datePicker input to a valrialble by $model propery, just like rest of input elements.

DatePicker in form

just like other form element it can send the form data, under the hood it acts as Input tag of type 'date'.

texteditor in a form with name and $data binding

just like rest of form inputs texteditor value can be bound with form $data

DatePicker Calander type

By defalut the DatePicker supports tow types of Calanders: Gregorian and Jalali that has tow other types: JalaliAF and JalaliIR, the defalut type is Gregorian

Gregorian type

this is the defalut tpye whick does not need to specify, to show, in here we explicitely set it.

JalaliAF type

we must explicitly specify the type

JalaliIR type

we must explicitly specify the type


the default date format is "yyyy/MM/dd", but you can explicitly set any dateformate that is supported but momentjs.