The UI section of the UBuilder framework provides you with five important functions that you can use:


The tag function is used to create an object representing an HTML tag. It takes the following arguments:

tag(tagName, props, ...slots)

Here's an example:

const Hello = tag('div', { class: 'text-red' }, 'Hello');

The above code will return the following object:

    "tag": "div",
    "props": {
        "class": "text-red"
    "slots": [


The renderTemplate function converts a tag object into an HTML string. It takes the tag object as input and returns the corresponding HTML representation.

const HelloHtml = renderTemplate(Hello);

The above code will generate the following HTML string:

<div class="text-red">Hello</div>


The renderStyles function extracts and combines the styles from tag objects. It takes the tag object as input and returns a string containing the CSS styles.

const styles = renderStyles(Hello);


The renderScripts function is used to extract and combine JavaScript code from tag objects. It is particularly useful when you have interactive components that require custom JavaScript functionality. The function takes the tag object as input and returns a string containing the JavaScript code.

const scriptString = renderScripts(tagObject);

The tagObject parameter represents the tag object containing the component and its associated JavaScript code. The renderScripts function scans the tag object for any properties related to JavaScript code execution, such as scriptName and script. It then extracts and combines the JavaScript code into a single string.

Syntax for Defining JavaScript Code in Tag Objects

When creating a tag object that includes JavaScript code, you can use the following properties:

Here's an example:

const tagWithScript = tag('div', {
    scriptName: 'hello',
    scriptProps: { value: 123 },
    script(el, props) {
        console.log('Hello World', props.value);
}, 'Check Console logs');

In this example, the tagWithScript object includes a JavaScript code block. The scriptName property provides a unique identifier for this code block. The scriptProps property defines additional properties that can be accessed within the script function. Finally, the script function contains the actual JavaScript code.

Using renderScripts to Retrieve JavaScript Code

To retrieve the JavaScript code from the tag object, you can call the renderScripts function, passing the tag object as the argument:

const scriptString = renderScripts(tagWithScript);

The scriptString variable will then contain a valid JavaScript code string that you can insert into a <script> tag in your HTML document. This allows you to execute the JavaScript code associated with the tag object.

Remember to include the generated scriptString within a <script> tag in your HTML document to ensure the JavaScript code is properly executed.

    // Insert the scriptString here

This way, the JavaScript code associated with the tag object will be executed when the page loads, enabling the desired interactive behavior.


The html function is used to render a tag object directly into the DOM. It takes the tag object as input and inserts it into the specified element in the document.

html(element, tagObject);


Here is an example for Toggle component which uses all of the provided methods:

            import { renderTemplate } from "../src/ui/index.js";
            import { renderScripts } from "../src/ui/index.js";
            import { tag, html } from "../src/ui/tags.js";
            const Toggle = () => {
              const toggleButton = tag(
                  scriptName: "toggle-button",
                  script(el) {
                    const contentElement = document.getElementById("toggle-content");
                    el.addEventListener("click", () => {
                      if (contentElement.style.display === "none") {
                        contentElement.style.display = "block";
                      } else {
                        contentElement.style.display = "none";
              const content = tag(
                  id: "toggle-content",
                  style: { display: "none" },
                "Toggleable Content"
              const scriptString = renderScripts(toggleButton);
              const script = tag("script", {}, scriptString);
              const page = html({ body: [toggleButton, content, script] });
              return renderTemplate(page); // returns html
Here you can see live demo: Toggle Example

Counter example

        import { tag, renderScripts, renderTemplate, html } from "../src/ui/index.js";

function Counter({ count = 0 }) {
  return tag(
      scriptName: "u-counter",
      scriptProps: { count },
      script(el, { count }) {
        function $(selector, callback) {
            el.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach(el => callback(el))
        function on(element, event, callback) {
            element.addEventListener(event, callback)
        function attr(element, attribute) {
            return element.getAttribute(attribute)

        function setCount(newValue) {
          count = newValue;
          $("[u-count]", el => el.textContent = count);

        $("[u-action]", (button) => {
          on(button, "click", (event) => {
            const action = attr(button, "u-action");

            if (action === "decrement") {
              setCount(count - 1);
            } else if (action === "increment") {
              setCount(count + 1);
            } else {
      tag("h1", {}, ["Value: ", tag("span", { "u-count": true })]),
      tag("button", { "u-action": "decrement" }, "Decrement"),
      tag("button", { "u-action": "reset" }, "Reset"),
      tag("button", { "u-action": "increment" }, "Increment"),

const counter = Counter({ count: 6 });
const counterScript = tag("script", {}, renderScripts(counter));
const counterTemplate = renderTemplate(counter);
const counterHTML = html({
  body: [counterTemplate, counterScript],


Counter Example